Andrés Rodríguez Santos, Vuelo raso- Flying Low

Exhibition Catalog
Laura Bravo López, Rafael Trelles, Andrés Rodríguez Santos , 2024
Hard cover
Andrés Rodríguez Santos, Vuelo raso- Flying Low: Exhibition Catalog
Publisher: l'Artban
Dimensions: 10x 7 1/2 in
Pages: 72
ISBN: 9798218423254
$ 30.00

Andrés Rodríguez Santo (Yauco, Puerto Rico) is an artist with a long career in the arts. He has exhibited in more than 20 solo exhibitions and has participated in different international events dedicated to painting, printmaking, and drawing.


For many years, his work has focused on the development of an iconography that explores human nature, including sexuality, myths, fears, taboos, magic, and popular imagery. The artist approaches these themes with the intention of transgressing the social and moral conventions that for centuries have plunged humanity into a state of emotional, imaginative, and expressive modesty.

 Maintaining technical rigor and a game of dichotomies -figurative, abstract, intuitive, and rational- Rodríguez Santos transmits his experiences throughout the creative process using purely visual language.


The work of Rodríguez Santos  provokes a paused observation through several elements, such as the harmonic coexistence between abstraction and figuration, singular characters, linear clothing, and the effect of flying, the protagonist in the artist's most recent paintings.

In these times of constant harassment by fleeting images, we are grateful for the artist Andrés Rodríguez Santos's invitation to contemplation.