Rutas un viaje desconocido (Routes, an Unknown Journey) is an exhibition about the pathway and direction each individual takes in life's journey.

Fifteen female portraits display different routes. Assemblages made in plaster and combined with different everyday objects, which the artist has collected for their aesthetics and meaning, explore the duality that exists in objects through associations and impositions. Burgos states that she strives to create a new thought, sparking an intellectual interaction between object and idea.


After many years, Annex Burgos returns to sculpture, the medium  she believes she can communicate most effectively. The sculpture's three-dimensional character allows for a more direct interaction between the work and the observer, a characteristic she considers essential in this chosen theme.

The journey through these fifteen autobiographical pieces loaded with memories, will lead the viewer to interact with the works and imagine the different routes of life. The faces, inspired by women that the artist considers important, have their eyes closed, transmitting silence, mystery, introspection, and reflection, which are necessary elements to analyze the different routes that each one chooses in this journey into the unknown that is life.