Marta Pérez García, Woodcut Reduction Process: Online Viewing Room

20 April - 1 September 2024

l'Artban presents a selection of woodcut prints by Marta Pérez García.

Reduction printmaking is the process of creating a multilayered or colored print using only one block-the block can be linoleum, foam, or wood- the artist prints one color at a time, usually from lightest to darkest, and repeats the process of carving and prinitng over and over until the final image is achieved. The block is considerably reduced by carving more away for each layer, this is the reason the editions of reduction process prints are usually unique.


In an explosion of color and force, Marta Pérez García gives life to a feminine world that mutates into savage nature, animal forms, and repetitive patterns. Her shapes produce a dance where objects, limbs, eyes, and teeth conspire to create a choreography of continuities and ruptures. The viewer is compelled to alternate between the majestic images of the whole and the delicate minutia of the detail. Pérez García's technique of printmaking with a reduction process is a metaphor for the violence of life: carved wood that erodes gradually transforms into bright pigment, into a luminous blast. The demise of the wood is the birth of the impression.


After enjoying this selection, we invite you to check Pérez García's three-dimensional work on the viewing room named Restos-Traces. Still using paper as the primary material, color-muted torsos with diverse elements express the artist's serious concern about gender violence.